Ernesta Kuhneエルネスタ・キューネ
Chinatsu Akasaki
A prodigy doing research on meteoric engineering at Allekant. Though she easily gets carried away, she's highly perceptive and, as befits a genius, has been known to make calculating moves. The top-ranked member of an Allekant faction known as the Sculptor Faction. Best friends with Camilla.
Camilla Paretoカミラ・パレート
Mutsumi Tamura
Like Ernesta, a standout researcher when it comes to meteoric engineering. Specializing in Luxe R&D, she’s a leading member of the Lion Faction.
A close friend of Ernesta's.
Shuma Sakon左近洲馬
Nobuo Tobita
Allekant's student council president. A second year in high school. From Japan. Non-ranked. A member of the Flovius Faction. Looks like a timid male student, and even appears cowardly, but his negotiating skills are stellar.
AR-DAutonomous Puppet Prototype AR-D
Wataru Hatano
“Absolute Refusal” Defended Type. “Absolute Refusal” is his code name, as well as his alias. He has his own strong sense of self-identity, and is dynamic and brash by nature. When teaming up with RM-C, he takes the vanguard.
RM-CAutonomous Puppet Prototype RM-C
Haruka Yoshimura
“Ruinous Might” Cannon Type. “Ruinous Might” is her code name, as well as her alias. She has her own strong sense of self-identity, and is cool and composed by nature. When teaming up with AR-D, she takes the rearguard.